Areas of experties
assistance in:
- General and EU project management
- Large scale infrastructure projects:
- including preparation; management and control of procurement procedures;
- implementation and monitoring of execution;
- performance and indicator evaluation;
- preparation for and conducting of ex-ante, in-built and ex-post audits;
- Developing training master-plans, manuals, guidelines as well as to design and provide trainings in areas related to:
- project management;
- EU project management;
- management and control of IPA funds;
- public procurement;
- PRAG procurement;
- other types of procurement rules;
- Strengthening the administrative capacities of Balkan countries in terms of project management and procurement management and control especially in relation to environment and transport sectors;
- Strengthening the administrative capacities of pre-accession countries in handling and dealing with EU-fund management and control bodies (EU Delegation, FCU/CFCA/CFCD, NAO Office and NIPAC in the areas of management, coordination, direction and control of funds – ex-ante, in-built and ex-post controls and audits as well);
- Setting up operational structures, internal regulations, operations manuals, participating in elaboration of programme regulatory framework of public administration
- Strengthening the administrative capacities of post-accession countries in handling and dealing with EU-fund management and control bodies (EU Commission, executive agencies of the EU, managing authorities, audit authorities and bodies);
- Management and control of EIT (European Institute of Innovation and Technology) funds;
- Management and control of INEA (Innovation and Networks Executive Agency, successor of the Trans-European Transport Network Executive Agency (TEN-T EA)) funds;
Key references
- 11/2019 – ongoing: Procurement expertise to support and strengthen EIT Urban Mobility’s procurement procedures (financed from H2020 funds), including reviewing of all procurement processes, drafting a Procurement Procedures Manual in line with the EU directives and the procurement guidelines for KICs, providing template documents for the procedures, providing on the job training and direct helpdesk assistance. The contact is with the KIC Urban Mobility S.L., Spain.
- 2/2018 – ongoing: Procurement expertise to support EIT Health InnoStars’ procurement procedures (financed from EU funds – EIT/Horizon 2020), including development of procurement procedures, drafting a procurement manual with simplified templates in line with the EU directives, providing direct helpdesk assistance. The contact is with the EIT Health InnoStars, Hungary.
- 01/2017 – ongoing until 31/12//2019: INEA/CEF/TRAN/M2015/1139651 (total value of the project: 11 MEUR) for the establishment of LCNG filling points called “Clean Fuel Box” - Procurement and EU funds eligibility expertise assisting he management, control and monitoring of all procurement procedures, on-the-job training, audit preparation and support. The contract is with Magyar Gázüzemű Közlekedés Klaszter Egyesület (MGKKE), Hungary.
- 03/2016 – ongoing until 30/06/2019: CEF agreement number: INEA/CEF/TRAN/M2014/1036265 (total value of the project: 16,3 MEUR) for the establishment of LNG filling points - Procurement and EU funds eligibility expertise assisting the management, control and monitoring of all procurement procedures, on-the-job training, audit preparation and support. The contract is with Magyar Gázüzemű Közlekedés Klaszter Egyesület (MGKKE), Hungary.
- 04/2016 – ongoing until 06/2018 – Procurement expertise to support the upgrading KIC InnoEnergy’s procurement procedures including the gap assessment, gap filling, development of manuals, guidelines, templates and training of all staff (150 members and 400 partner institutions). The contract is with KIC InnoEnergy SE, The Netherlands.
- 03/2016 – 02/2017: Procurement expertise as well as monitoring of legal and FIDC compliance with procurement and other legislative acts of Croatian Transport OP projects (financed from EU funds) - the task was to carry out the ex-ante legal, FIDIC and procurement review of 22 large infrastructure tender dossiers and provide detailed procurement and legal opinion for Deloitte Croatia towards the Transport OP Managing Authority (total value of projects was over 350 MEUR). The contract is with Deloitte savjetodavne usluge d.o.o., Croatia).
- 02/2014 – 02/2016 – Providing procurement, anti-corruption and training expertise for the EU funded project in Sarajevo (IPA 2012 – budget: 1 371 760 EUR) “Strengthening of Public Procurement system in BiH”. The contract was with Planet SA, Greece.
- the support in the drafting and implementation of the new legislative framework regulating the Public Procurement
- System in Bosnia and Herzegovina;
- the design and implementation of a capacity building programme addressed to all actors of the public procurement
- system including the central procurement institutions, the contracting authorities and the economic operators;
- development of Action plan for BiH anti-corruption measures for national and EU (including IPA funds) public procurement;
- drafting an anti-corruption manual to fight against corruption;
- training to NGOs and media in the field of anti-corruption.
Key references of our experts
- 23 years of experience in general and EU project management;
- 16 years EU-governance and institutional assistance, expertise;
- 16 years of experience in developing and training master-plans as well as to design and provide general and on-the-job trainings to public administration, contracting authorities, economic operators, NGOs and judicial system in the field of public procurement, PRAG and FIDIC;
- 20 years of experience in project cycle management (overall program management, project preparation, promotion, evaluation and monitoring) – out of which 15 years with PRAG and FIDIC;
- assistance to Romania, Bulgaria, Turkey, Macedonia, Croatia, Bosnia and Herzegovina on strengthening the administrative capacity of these countries in terms of public procurement control in the field of PRAG, FIDIC, IPA and national procurement tenders;
- 20 years of experience in evaluation of EU pre- and post-accession assistance (Phare, Transition Facility, Schengen Facility, donor twinning programs, IPA funds);
- 21 years of experience in management, coordination, direction and control of general and public procurement procedures, ex-ante, in-built and ex-post controls and audits;
- 20 years of setting up operational structures, internal regulations, operations manuals, participating in elaboration of programme regulatory framework of public administration;
- 11 years of experience as team leader/deputy team leader in 6 major project in the field of EU funds project management and procurement (each project being longer than 6 months);
- 22 years of delivering lectures in EU studies at different universities, 8 years of public procurement teaching in various PP courses in Budapest;
- 12 years of in implementing procurement related IT monitoring and management system (semi-automated or fully automated e-procurement tools).